The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop. As we prepared to become Christ the Divine Shepherd Parish in 2019, we started the Seven Sister Apostolate to pray for the five priests that were serving in our grouping. At this time, these five priests have retired or have been reassigned. For this reason, we need to realign our Seven Sisters Apostolate to pray for Fr. Mike Conway, Fr. Thom Miller, and Fr. Fred Gruber that now shepherd our parish, Christ the Divine Shepherd, and Bishop Zubik, our diocesan shepherd.
Each member commits to a Holy Hour on a particular day of the week, thus covering an entire week. The commitment is for one hour on one day each week; the Seven Sisters may pray at any time on that day. The Holy Hour is ideally prayed in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament – either in an Adoration Chapel or in front of a Tabernacle – but not restricted to the parish of which the sister is a member. If she cannot offer her Holy Hour, she can secure a substitute or request a replacement. At this time, we are requesting 28 women and substitutes from our Parish to act as members of the Seven Sisters Apostolate to pray for our three priests and our bishop. There will be members of the Seven Sisters Apostolate in the atrium of our two churches after all Masses the weekend of November 13 and 14 to answer questions, distribute material and sign up those of you that would take this opportunity to pray one hour a week for one of our priests. We will set up a short meeting after we have reached the number of new members needed.
One Holy Hour, One Priest, Each Week, One Heart of Prayer
If you have any questions, please call Irene Swackhammer at 412-977-2721