As part of our preparation for Christmas at Christ the Divine Shepherd-Penn Hills campus, we will be putting up the Family Christmas Tree in the Atrium of the Church on Saturday, December 18 beginning at 12:00pm.We need volunteers to help with the tree - specifically branch "fluffers". If you can spare some time, we'd appreciate the help.We will finish decorating the tree on Sunday, December 19 immediately following the 11:30am Mass (around 12:30-12:45). Since we are a "new" Parish, we are requesting donations of an ornament for the Family Christmas Tree from each family in Christ the Divine Shepherd as a way to unify the members of our Parish. A new Parish merits new traditions.You can place your donated ornament on the Family Christmas tree beginning Saturday, December 18 at 5:00pm Mass.We could also use help finishing the decorations on the Tree on Sunday afternoon after 11:30am Mass.If you would like to help with the decorations or have any questions, please contact Karen Grasso at 412-354-2858; please leave a message if you get her voicemail.