In October, our ability to return to at-home communion calls was delayed by the pandemic restrictions. Recently, however, we were again given permission to resume communion calls for those who are unable to join us at our liturgies. (This inability to be present might include those who are homebound, or are unable to find a way to get to church. In the present circumstances, this might also include those who find it unsafe to return to attendance at church at the present.). We are currently looking to “reboot” our communion call EMHC team. We’d like to get a feel for the extent of the need for at-home communion calls. If you (or a loved one) would like a minister of communion to bring the Eucharist to you at home, please let us know! Please reach out to Deacon Mike at [email protected] or 412-373-0050 x112, and let him know that you’d like to resume communion calls to your home!