The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body that meets with our Pastor and Business Manager on a quarterly basis in providing good stewardship of parish financial resources, ensuring that sufficient means are available and allocated appropriately to carry out the pastoral mission of the parish. It makes recommendations to the pastor regarding spending priorities as well as overseeing all income and expenditures (e.g. Sunday Collections, Parish Share, fund-raising and investments). The Finance Council also reviews the yearly budgets for the church and school and helps in the preparation of the annual report of the parish. Upon the appointment by the pastor, members of the parish finance council shall serve a four-year term and may be re-appointed by him to a second four-year term.
The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body that meets with the pastor and pastoral associate and is primarily a visioning and planning body. It's ministry calls for gifts of study and prayer, listening and assessment, discernment and articulation, motivation and encouragement. It serves to bring to the pastor and members of the parish a broader sense of the purpose by envisioning and implementing the Parish Pastoral Plan.
The appointed members work to see how the various elements and groups of the parish may achieve the stated mission of the parish. The council’s goal is to share that vision with the parish and suggest the means of accomplishing that vision in practical ways according to each group and ministry's purpose. Members are selected for three year terms which are renewable. They meet every six to eight weeks. Currently our Pastoral Council members serve an average four-year term that in some cases is staggered to allow a blend of veteran and new pastoral council members for the sake of continuity.