Vision Scripture:
Foundational Scripture:
Matthew 7:24
"Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. But id did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock."
We Commit Ourselves:
-To grow spiritually closer to the Holy Trinity.
-To encourage and challenge each other to strieve for a life of holiness.
-To defend our Catholic Faith by deepening our appreciation of the Catholic faith and its teachings.
-To embrace our leadership role as husbands, fathers, or single men- to our wives, children, families, or our parish community.
-To case our faith into the deep waters so that others may come to know and love Jesus as we do.
-To be obedient to our Holy Father and our Bishop.
Background- CMF of CDS
"From Los Angeles to Chicago, from Manchester to Miami there is a growing hunder for God among Catholic men. They are meeting together in large and small groups, sharing their burdens, listening to each other's stories, and celebrating Eucharist. Call it a revival, an awakening. Call it a work of the Holy Spirit at the grassroots level. The emergence of new ministries with men is a welcome development within the Church. Lay leaders in these new ministries are asking their bishops and parish priests for support, involvement, and leadership. At the same time, bishops, priests, deacons and other pastoral ministers are trying to understand and respond to this new phenomenon."
An Introductory Report By The Committee on Marriage and Family The Committee on evangelization July 1999, The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Our Mission:
-We are called to respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit that engages us to a renewed and richer relationship with God.
-We believe we must begin with ourselves as true Catholic men, recognizing our sinfulness, but resolved to become holy men of God through His grace.
Typical Catholic Men's Meeting Format
-Music ( recording or shared song)
-Opening Prayer (brief prayer by Religious or facilitator)
-Lesson (Viewing of Teachings Video and group Sharing to Follow. This is the meat of the meeting)
-Concluding Prayer ( meeting alwayss close with prayer including intercessory prayers )
Meeting Schedule
-Meet every Saturday at 7AM. We end at 8:30AM. Coffee and pastries provided.
-Meet in the Lourdes Center of CDS Parish ( Monroeville)
-CMF of CDS Leaders: Bill White ( 412) 913-4729 or [email protected] and Joe Birsa (412) 514-6836 or [email protected].