Serving at the altar of the Lord is a very privileged and important role within the Church. As an altar server, young people can participate in the Mass in a very special way while also learning the values of service and reverence. Any child who has received First Communion and will be entering 3rd grade or beyond, is eligible to become an altar server. Deacon Mike Kelly and Seminarian Nick Wytiaz will be holding the final round of training sessions at Penn Hills on: 8/8 from 6:30PM-7:30PM, 8/12 from 10AM-11AM, and 8/17 from 6:30PM-7:30PM
New servers are required to attend three sessions. Current servers are required to attend one session. If you already attended all of your required sessions in July at Monroeville, you do not need to attend these. Contact Deacon Mike Kelly,
[email protected] or 412-373-0050 x112, to register or if you have any questions or concerns. Please provide your child's name, phone number, email, parent(s)/guardian(s) names, and the session(s) which you plan to attend.